We find a fear, that fear will either create us or destroy us.
I love fear.
The reason why; behind every fear, there's a persen i want to be.
Fear is self-imposed. Meaning it doesn't exist.
I create it, and I can destroy it too.
It's an intangible.
If I face my fear, I will realize it's not that big.
Face your fear, stop running from it, and beat it back.
Energy is never lost, its transfered. And that negative energy,
the fear, is destroyd. It comes back as confidence.
What else am i capable of?
What can i overcome?
Go after it and give it all you have.
If i lose it, at least i tried.
''I failed'' is ten times more of a man than someone said ''what if?''.
Because ''what if?'' never went to the arena.
Invenimus timorem, aut timore aut creare deleret.
Amo metus.
causa; ab omni solutae metu Persen illic 'Volo me.
Timor superstitione. Quod non est.
Et ipsa crearetur, et deleam ipsum.
Suus idemque.
Si adversus metum ego animadverto suus 'non ut magna.
Oppete timorem, ne fugeret illud, atque subvertit eum.
numquam navitas est lost, its transfertur. Et quod negative navitas,
in timore, destroyd. Sicut fiducia redit.
i quid valet?
i quid vicisti?
Vade retro omnia quaecumque habes, da.
i si amittunt conatus saltem i.
'libi' decuplo magis quam dicunt 'Si' '.
Quod 'si' 'nunquam ut pulvis.
Som oversettes, vennligst vent...